We are a group of synthetic inorganic chemists who are interested in broad problems relevant to nature, energy, and new materials. We are currently recruiting new members and those interested should go to the openings tab under “The Team.”

Recent News

Happy New Year!

We are happy to start 2021 with some new graduate students. Welcome to Maia and Lauren!

Additionally, check out this article about some of our recent results! Great work Norman!

The end of summer brings changes

2020 has been a busy summer – we’ve said goodbye to Airi and Andrew, the first graduate students in the Anderson Lab. We wish Airi the best in her new role as a Consultant at BCG, and we wish Andrew the best as he begins his post-doc at Los Alamos National Lab in the Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices group! We will miss you both.

We’ve also welcomed Dr. Andrew Ritchhart as a new post-doc in the group – we look forward to doing some cool science!

A sad goodbye and a warm welcome

We recently said goodbye to post-doc Ethan Hill, who will be missed by all. We wish him the best of luck starting his own lab as an Assistant Professor at Auburn University!
We have also recently welcomed a new post-doc, Jorge Martinez! Welcome to the group Jorge; we look forward to doing some fun and interesting science with you.

Quarantine Papers

Even though we’ve been stuck at home away from lab, we’ve still been publishing papers! Check them out here and here.

Congratulations to Dr. Airi Kawamura!

Congrats to Airi, who has successfully defended her thesis! She is the first student from the Anderson Lab to defend and had to do it over Zoom! We wish you all the best going forward!